I love to write. I always have. When I wrote my Personal Mission Statement about 20 years ago (see below), writing was the first point I listed.
I think I inherited my love for the pen from my dad. He was a master story-teller who enjoyed scribbling down short stories on notepaper as much as he did telling them around a campfire. There is an art to telling a good story and in that space he was Picasso.
In my books, I try to capture that story-telling element. I am convinced the written word has the power to transform and inspire people. I want the reader to be drawn into the learning, not gloss over it. The best professional development is when it doesn't feel like professional development. My goal is to write books that leave people inspired and that give them even just one meaningful takeaway.
I served in the military and later as a human resources executive in both a century-old manufacturing company and an Ivy League university. An entrepreneur, I was an executive coach and leadership consultant to organizations across the country for more than a decade. I have a master’s degree in business management and a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics-mathematics. When I am not writing, I pitch-in at my oldest son's business, Chocolate Pizza Company.
My first book, Conquering Adversity, was also a keynote presentation that I shared at conferences, retreats and functions for thousands of professionals nationally and internationally. I am humbled to still hear from people whose lives were changed by its message about the hero inside each of us.
The diversity of my experience uniquely shapes my writing. I hope you find my books a meaningful part of your journey.